A User ID is a user name and password that can be used to access several Honeywell Web sites.
Honeywell Sp.z.o.o. Budynek Nefryt Domaniewska 39 02-674 Warszawa, Polska Tel.e: +48/22/60 60 900 E-Mail: hls-poland@honeywell.com On-line Prosimy o użycie formularza kontaktowego.
Technologiestr. 5, 1120 Vienna Phone: +43/(0)1/600 60 30 Fax: +43/(0)1/600 60 30-900 E-Mail:
V Parku 2325/16 148 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic Phone: +420/242 442 280 Fax: +420/242 442 119 E-Mail:
RO-020339 Bucureşti Str. George Constantinescu nr. 3 Upground – Clădirea de birouri BOC, intrarea A, etaj 4 Tel.: +40 (0)31 224 3001 RO-305500 Lugoj Str. Salcâmilor nr. 2 bis Tel.: +40 (0)256 350 000 Bank account: BNP PARIBAS FORTIS SA/NV Bruxelles Sucursala Bucureşti.: RO40FTSB6448000068001RON
Office Center "IRVA", Block "A" 10/14, Radyscheva Street 03680 Kyiv / Ukraine Tel: +380 44 3511550 Fax: +380 44 3511551 E-Mail:
Av. V. Holjevca 40 10000 Zagreb / Croatia
Petneházy u. 2-4. 1139 Budapest / Hungary Tel: +36 1 451 4300 E-Mail:
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